Founders Art Gallery to launch Sanctuary: Growing Along Nature in an Uncertain World


Founders Art Gallery presents virtual exhibition Sanctuary: Growing Along Nature in an Uncertain World. 

Depiction of fantasy image including animals, water, sky, and cityscape by Carlota Munoz Ruiz oAsolitaryfantasycantotallytransformonemillionrealities
"This word usually seems to have a huge negative connotation but, as everything in this life, it depends on how you want to look at it and, specially, what do you want to do to turn into a more positive perspective"-Carlota Munoz Ruiz

Created by the Visual Arts Management Class in Arts Management and Gallery Practices Class in School of Art, this represents the first virtual exhibition to take place for the gallery. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, people are suffering from illness, and experiencing pain, anxiety, loneliness, unknown and fear. Sanctuary: Growing Alongside Nature in an Uncertain World represents the mutual vulnerability, fragility, and resilience of nature and humans. The artworks in the exhibition explores the healing power of nature in times of isolation and uncertainty. 

This virtual exhibition features 30 artists from the George Mason University community, including students, faculty, and alumni. They come from diverse educational backgrounds including Arts Management, Communication, Dance, English Literature, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Microbiology, and Psychology.  The artworks explore an exciting range of mediums, from collage to dance, digital media, drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture.  

View the Virtual Exhibition. (Note: Exhibition goes live April 20 7:30pm!)

Exhibition Opening Event: We cordially invite you to join us on April 20th at 7:30pm on the following Zoom link for the opening reception, featuring artwork produced by George Mason University’s students, faculty, and alumni. There will be a virtual walkthrough of the gallery space, featuring talks from participating artists as well as a live Q&A discussion.

Join us on Zoom for the Exhibition Opening! 

Please contact the Arts Management Program if you have any questions.