In This Story
In their final semester with the Arts Management (AMGT) program, graduate students synthesize and present on their learning and professional development experience in the culminating Capstone course! They work all semester long with their Capstone professors and readers (external professional contacts) to develop insightful writings and presentations that demonstrate their qualifications as arts management professionals. Graduate students have the option of completing a research or portfolio Capstone course section based on their interests and professional goals. Capstone presentations are open to the public and alumni, faculty, readers, and arts community are encouraged to participate!

This Fall 2024 semester, 6 students went through the Capstone Portfolio course section with Dr. Victoria Salmon, Associate Dean, Emerita, of the College of Visual and Performing Arts and AMGT Capstone Professor. She had the following to say on importance of portfolios.
Each student shared a variety of work samples that demonstrated keys arts management competencies and skills, their broad areas of interest and expertise are listed below:
- Darren Badley- Theater Management and Fundraising and Development (Advancement)
- Jiaying (Gloria) Dai- DEAI Practices in International Cultural Exchange and Curatorial Practices
- Rahmah (Ree) Elmassry- Live Entertainment and Audience Engagement
- Hyeon Jeong (Luna) Lee- Arts Access for Artists and Audiences with Disabilities
- Jasmine Peterson-Youth Arts Education and Audience Development and Engagement
- Haotian (Nick) Yang- Fundraising and Development and International Cultural Exchange
Congratulations to these amazing AMGT graduate students and future arts leaders!